Vanmok LD Cloud


Vanmok Leak Detection

Vanmok LD Cloud – A perfect fit for Leak Detection on Short Oil and Gas Pipelines

Vanmok LD Cloud is a cost-effective and autonomous solution for leak detection in oil pipeline networks. The field-proven technology detects leaks from pinholes to large ruptures in less than few minutes by using the highest sampling rate of 50 milliseconds using our dedicated IoT Gateway (DAQ system). It is designed and deployed to meet the specific needs of oil and gas producers. The technology can be applied to:
Leak Detection Products

Vanmok Offers Two
Cloud Based Products

Vanmok LD ® PPA

Real-time leak detection using Pressure data only for short pipelines.

Vanmok LD ® ERTTM

Real time transient modeling and leak detection in long pipelines.
Vanmok Leak Detection

How It Works?

The Vanmok IoT Gateway is connected to pressure transmitters at each end of the pipeline. This gateway is embedded with modern cloud-based technology, which scans data from the pressure sensors at a high sampling rate (50 ms/sample). The data is communicated via a cellular modem, which routes the data to the Vanmok LD Cloud for collection and analysis. The system automatically generates alarms and communicates and escalates any abnormal anomalies to the right person.

What Is Vanmok IoT Gateway?

Vanmok IoT Gateway is a Data Acquisition System that uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology to scan the data from the existing instruments at 50 milli seconds per data point. The wireless, off-grid solar-powered units utilized in the design enables rapid deployment. Field personnel are assured with easy-to-install and self-contained units that accommodate easy integration with existing field sensors.

The Gateway is pre-configured with single-channel (4-20 mA), but can be customized to three input channels including:

A Complete Solution Package

The Vanmok LD Cloud Solution Package is designed specifically anticipating our clients’ needs within the oil and gas industry. This package includes: